Monday, September 22, 2008

Almaden Art and Wine Festival

The Fine Art of Roosevelt Bynum Photography was available at the Taste of Saratoga, Saratoga, CA and the Almaden Art and Wine Festival in the Almaden Valley of San Jose, CA. I'm pleased to report that I received the Third Place award for "Excellence Achived in Photography".

Saturday September 20, 2008 was a beautiful day for the 1st Taste of Saratoga and several clients were excited to take home pieces of my work.

Sunday September 21, 2008 was the Almaden Art and Wine Festival and another gorgeous day in San Jose. The festival was the largest in recent years with about 125 vendors with various forms of art, jewelry, clothing and various accessories. The event was well attended, very organized, the people were wonderful, and all my neighboring vendors helpful and supportive.

The most popular piece amongst the guests that visited my booth this weekend was Poipu Beach which was displayed in my booth as a 4' x 3' vinyl print.

Overall, it was a very rewarding weekend the the Art Festivals.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Moon Over My House

Moon Over My House is a composition created with my Mamiya 645 Pro using Kodak 100VS film. It was a full moon night and the sky was clear. I used a 55mm lens to do the base shot. without advancing the film, I replaced the 55MM with a 300mm lens to shoot the moon. The base shot was a 2 minute exposure at f/8, while the moon shot was 1/125 second at f/8.

The full moon is actually 1/12 the light of the sun which makes it rather bright in the night sky. If you compose a shot of the moon alone such that the result captures the detail of the moon surface, everything else will be dark. Whenever you see a high quality composition like this with the moon with surface detail, it will be double exposure.

Moon Over My House is on display in the UArt Open Exhibition at University Art in San Jose. It was one of two photographs in 50 pieces accepted from 300 submissions.

Experience the Fine Art of Roosevelt Bynum Photography this Saturday, 9/20/2008 at The Taste of Saratoga and Sunday at the 32nd Almaden Valley Art & Wine Festival