Monday, August 31, 2015

Canon TS-E 24mm 1:3.5 L II

Canon TS-E 24mm 1:3.5 L II Lens

I recently purchased the Canon EOS 5DS R 50MP camera. Since I also shoot with a 4x5 view camera, I decided to try the Canon TS-E 24mm 1:3.5 L II to see if I could emulate the Tilt/Shift movements. 

Albeit 50MP is not quite 4x5 sheet film detail, it is enough to consider as a replacement.
The Canon TS-E 24mm lens enables you to execute view camera like movements  

Figure 1.

In figure 1 you see the normal distortion common to a wide angle lens.

Figure 2.
In Figure 2, I used the TS-E 24mm to perform a rise movement to remove the distortion
For more detail on this lens see the DP Review at

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